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Friday, June 26, 2009

Party time

Look honey, our little girl is all grown up!
The past year was full of laughter, hard work, and good times. And while we may not be able to top the adventures of last year's celebration for the big 3-0 (who could beat concert tickets to see Billy Idol? Or the after party with some solo dance floor action?), our love and best wishes are with for you for the coming year and all the adventures to come.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Wow. There are hardly words. Whatever he may have become, he will live on for us because of his indelible mark on history, music, and our youth. This quote from the NPR website sums it up:
"Not long ago, Rosen was in a night club. Everyone there was too cool to dance. Then the DJ started spinning Jackson's early hits, one after another.
"As soon as he started playing those, the dance floor was stampeded," Rosen says. "The longer it went on, the more ecstatic the crowd got, and everyone was dancing. That's the image I'd like to remember MJ by: just sheer joy generated by his music."
The Michael Jackson in his mind, Rosen says, was not a has-been, a controversy, or a joke. He was a genius.

Recycle Your Ride

We live in Portland. Therefore we pride ourselves on being environmentally conscious and by making good choices everyday. Like bicycling or skateboarding instead of driving to work, and recycling everything we possibly can. Now you too can tell the world what's important to you by wearing these bitchin' new accessories and feeling darn good about it:

Recycled Skateboard Earrings by Maple XO (Portland)
Recycled Bike Inner Tube Bags & Belts by Alchemy Goods (Seattle)

Goin' to the chapel... or Mississippi Studios!

This past weekend we had the pleasure of attending the wedding of our dear friends Adam Shearer and Tarina Westlund at Mississippi Studios in NE Portland.
Not only are they both incredibly wonderful people (we've known Adam since High School) but also very talented artists who've been featured here at Radish Underground. Their ceremony was full of music and love, and some very fashionable people to boot! Here is a little sampling of Ammon-cam shots from the celebration...
Hair accessories are in full effect! A Cloud Society Party Hat paired with that Bodybag Jumpsuit could be your next wedding outfit (or statement, if you will).
Sara showing some skin in an Aster Park custom Halter Jumpsuit, fellow boutique owner Casey Cunningham (Parts + Labor, Hood River) looking stylish as always, and Beau bringing back the bow tie.
Celeste considering the perfect accessory for this new Aster Park Strapless Dress: a sneak peak from her Spring line which debuts here this First Thursday July 2nd from 5pm-9pm along with visual artist Asa Kennedy-- mark your calendar! Jessica looking fantastic in the Melting Dress by Eve Gravel
As Adam is an outstanding and well loved local musician (lead singer/guitar for the band WEINLAND) this event was a star studded who's who from the Portland music scene. The dulcet strings of the Portland Cello Project welcoming Tarina down the aisle and some wily chaps sneaking around together and probably up to no good: Ritchie Young of Loch Lomond, Douglas Jenkins of PCP, and Rory Brown, groomsman, toast giver extraordinaire, and bassist of WEINLAND.
G & C struttin' our stuff on the way to Mississippi Studios. Wes getting more dapper by the minute with an impromptu shoe shine right out front. And it was a job well done too...
Amongst all the fun, frivolity, and festivities we'd never forget how wonderful this was for the couple that pledged their love for each other. Congratulations Adam & Tarina! We love you!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rockin' in Radish

Father's Day is just around the corner...
thankfully new Goorin Bros hats are here just in time!
Thank you Hannah, Mac, and Bridget for showin' off the dapper caps :)

Vivi Dolls

Do you ever get lonely in the big bad world of fashion? Fear not!!
Now you can have your very own fashionista companion, handmade from recycled wool and ready to inspire your style: Vivi Dolls are here!

ransom + scout

Meet the ransom & scout crew:
An artist-created line of handbags and accessories that brings life to an unusual collection of whimsical characters--Ransom, Scout, Apollo, and Truman (to name a few). Each character has a unique story and a personality all their own. The same can be said of the pieces they adorn. Starting with sculptures of each character, then photographed and hand printed on fine Italian leather, the bags are finished off with a 'news paper article' based on that character and their relationship to the rest of the cast. Mischievous, sophisticated, and curiously irresistible... these beautiful creations appeal to those who are ever in search of unique, attention-getting style.

"It's never appropriate to lie, but there are times when it's best to simply not tell the truth. So when Babee asked me what I thought of her new hair cut, I did not lie. But I chose my words very carefully." -- Dolores

"Some people don't even know a skort from a tankini. It's not my job to educate them about such things, but I often do, if only to save them from themselves."-- Judith

"My shoes go under my bed. That's where they go. That is where they have always gone. Then one day I wake up, no shoes." -- Alfred

"So every few days I end up calling a meeting. What gives me the right to call a meeting? Nothing. But they all know damn well that we need a meeting, and they're all just waiting for someone to call it." -- Ransom

"Most of my friends are a little intimidated by Apollo, but he's always been nice to me. I gave him a book that was a funny little picture book of cats doing things that people do. Like one cat was pushing a shopping cart, which was really funny because why would cats shop, right?" --Scout

"Around here, I'm known as a kind of peace-keeper. But when Dolores insulted Babee's haircut, I kind of got caught in the middle myself. Because I was the one who gave Babee that haircut." --Sarah-Jane

"Does anything not mean anything? Don't listen to Floyd. He'll say I stole it from him. He conveniently forgets when he said, 'I bet anything that yogurt has been sitting out all day'."--Truman

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chic on the Street

Check out this new, sartorialist-esque, PDX based fashion blog: CHIC ON THE STREET, by fashion writer and contemporary art examiner Rachael R. Lorenz.
Click on this link to read about the fabulous fashion finds such as the smart black Jumpsuit by Bodybag pictured, now available at Radish Underground!
Then click on this link to read her post about our featured local artist and designer (June '09) Leif Ilvedson and JET Designs, both from Hood River, OR.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Save the date...

Bargain Hunting 101: The Mother of all Clearance Sales is back for it's summer session! August 16th from 12-5pm @ The Crystal Ballroom & Lola's.

Over 50 local, independent vendors will be selling their amazing merchandise at rock-bottom prices-- including Radish Underground! Mark your calendars for the largest collaborative clearance sale in Portland's history. Check out their website for more info by clicking here.

Woo hoo!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Toto, we're not in Portland anymore...

Although the sudden onslaught of nasty, windy, all around crazy-cakes weather scared away most of our guests for First Thursday this month, we made the best of it, and hunkered down in style to wait out the storm. Heck, when you've got a tree full of one-of-a-kind party hats, even a tornado becomes a reason to celebrate!
A big thank you to those who braved the weather and made it out to see us later in the evening (way to support local art in the face of bodily harm :)). Josh's mojitos, Alia's fine tunes, and a crew of die hard Radish Fans made the night a success in spite of Nature's fury. I am certainly no Ammon with a camera (I know, I know, but we had to let him have the night off for his bachelor party), but I did my best and here is a little collection of images from the evening-- betcha wish you were here waiting out the storm, huh?

For those who couldn't make it... we'll see you on July 2nd for Aster Park and Asa Kennedy!

Our window this month is The Garden of Eve-den,
complete with tempting party hats for any occasion.
(in honor of Pride Month of course)
Lovely featured jewelry designer Lyndsay Brown of Idle Hands Designs
The first hat sold + G and Jayme Hansen of Cloud Society
Party balls, party-tini, party ring...
Our newest painting by Leif Ilvedson, Untitled, Oil on Canvas
Say 'I love you' in a binary code ring, and
say hello to Cloud Society (Jayme Hansen & Nichole Eatman)
c & g having a sexy fun time as always :)