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Monday, March 29, 2010

Ok, so I'm too excited about these new dresses to wait for better pictures---> Here's an uber low-fi teaser of the newest garments from Eve Gravel, Annie 50, Estate, Renee Armstrong, and REIF!

(left - Danielle modeling her new Honey Dress by Eve Gravel)
Above, L-R: Lotus Dress by Annie50 (org/blu), Open Road Jacket by REIF,
Lotus Dress by Annie50 (blk/wht), Nolita Dress by Eve Gravel.
Open Road Jacket by REIF
Lotus Dress by Annie50 in Orange/Blue or Black/White
Dita Dress by Eve Gravel
L-R: Impatient Dress by Annie 50, Orchid Skirt by Annie50,
Moon Dress by Eve Gravel, Reclaimed Poly Skirt by Estate
Impatient Dress by Annie 50
Moon Dress by Eve Gravel
Orchid Skirt by Annie50
(darling crab screenprint on back!)
Sweatshirt Tunic by Renee Armstrong in grey or green
Fe Fe Dress by preloved, size S
-one of a kind- made from reclaimed drapes!
Fe Fe Dress by preloved (left size S; right size L)
-one of a kind- made from reclaimed drapes!
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