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Sunday, February 14, 2010

at our pre-Valentine's Day event featuring custom jewelry by betsy & iya, MapleXO, and Snarky Valentines all made live at the store!
Betsy Cross of betsy & iya put together gorgeous, romantic,
Shameless Love Charm Necklaces...
Lindsay Holmes of MapleXO brought along a selection of her
Recycled Skateboard Jewelry pieces, and put together
custom rings, earrings and necklaces...
Super Alisa Starr got to break in her brand new custom Aster Park red velvet dress (complete with one of my grandmother's petty coats and handmade by Celeste) while making some outstanding custom Snarky Valentines on her trusty typewriter...
...she loves the new dress so much she just had to run outside and twirl :)
Gorgeous paintings by our featured artist Matthew William Templeton...
The lovely and talented (baked all the delicious heart cookies we enjoyed- thank you!)
Rochelle modeling the new organic cotton Akron Tunic by Raw Earth Wild Sky...
we can't get enough of the hood/cowl neck.
Saying I Love You with the Vertebracelet by Keith McQueen...
Bob the dog, pure adoration in those eyes...
Finding love in laughter, everyone getting a kick out of the hilarious "evolution" of the KIND health bars (thanks so much for the snacks guys!)...
Sassy jewelers Besty and Lindsay in an adorable post sangria twin fashionshow...
Bringin' it back to the oldskool late-night sing-a-longs... Adam and Celeste serenading us with Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now"... complete with iPhone sheet music.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously, that was SO much fun. Not a surprise that you caught a picture of me eating one of the (10...?) cookies I had that night. so. good.

February 14, 2010 at 9:51 PM  
Blogger Lindsay Jo said...

So fun!
And so many amazingly talented people in one space!
I love Radish!!!

February 16, 2010 at 7:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Holy crap you guys... I never get comments so I just noticed these! YES! So fun and wonderful. Than you both :)

March 8, 2010 at 8:24 PM  

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