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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Toto, we're not in Portland anymore...

Although the sudden onslaught of nasty, windy, all around crazy-cakes weather scared away most of our guests for First Thursday this month, we made the best of it, and hunkered down in style to wait out the storm. Heck, when you've got a tree full of one-of-a-kind party hats, even a tornado becomes a reason to celebrate!
A big thank you to those who braved the weather and made it out to see us later in the evening (way to support local art in the face of bodily harm :)). Josh's mojitos, Alia's fine tunes, and a crew of die hard Radish Fans made the night a success in spite of Nature's fury. I am certainly no Ammon with a camera (I know, I know, but we had to let him have the night off for his bachelor party), but I did my best and here is a little collection of images from the evening-- betcha wish you were here waiting out the storm, huh?

For those who couldn't make it... we'll see you on July 2nd for Aster Park and Asa Kennedy!

Our window this month is The Garden of Eve-den,
complete with tempting party hats for any occasion.
(in honor of Pride Month of course)
Lovely featured jewelry designer Lyndsay Brown of Idle Hands Designs
The first hat sold + G and Jayme Hansen of Cloud Society
Party balls, party-tini, party ring...
Our newest painting by Leif Ilvedson, Untitled, Oil on Canvas
Say 'I love you' in a binary code ring, and
say hello to Cloud Society (Jayme Hansen & Nichole Eatman)
c & g having a sexy fun time as always :)


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