ransom + scout

Meet the ransom & scout crew:
An artist-created line of handbags and accessories that brings life to an unusual collection of whimsical characters--Ransom, Scout, Apollo, and Truman (to name a few). Each character has a unique story and a personality all their own. The same can be said of the pieces they adorn. Starting with sculptures of each character, then photographed and hand printed on fine Italian leather, the bags are finished off with a 'news paper article' based on that character and their relationship to the rest of the cast. Mischievous, sophisticated, and curiously irresistible... these beautiful creations appeal to those who are ever in search of unique, attention-getting style.

"It's never appropriate to lie, but there are times when it's best to simply not tell the truth. So when Babee asked me what I thought of her new hair cut, I did not lie. But I chose my words very carefully." -- Dolores

"Some people don't even know a skort from a tankini. It's not my job to educate them about such things, but I often do, if only to save them from themselves."-- Judith

"My shoes go under my bed. That's where they go. That is where they have always gone. Then one day I wake up, no shoes." -- Alfred

"So every few days I end up calling a meeting. What gives me the right to call a meeting? Nothing. But they all know damn well that we need a meeting, and they're all just waiting for someone to call it." -- Ransom

"Most of my friends are a little intimidated by Apollo, but he's always been nice to me. I gave him a book that was a funny little picture book of cats doing things that people do. Like one cat was pushing a shopping cart, which was really funny because why would cats shop, right?" --Scout

"Around here, I'm known as a kind of peace-keeper. But when Dolores insulted Babee's haircut, I kind of got caught in the middle myself. Because I was the one who gave Babee that haircut." --Sarah-Jane

"Does anything not mean anything? Don't listen to Floyd. He'll say I stole it from him. He conveniently forgets when he said, 'I bet anything that yogurt has been sitting out all day'."--Truman
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