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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hope you're all ready to leave your body at the door...

Saturday October 31st from 8pm - late
The Cleaners @ Ace Hotel
403 SW 10th Ave
$6 PICA / $8 General / $95 Spend the night!
Tickets @ the door, 21 + only
When the sun goes down, come out to the Ace Hotel and drink the blood of the young and fabulous at an all-night Halloween dance party hosted by the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art. We’ll dance till dawn with music from FLESHTONE, guest DJs, vintage horror flicks, and a special punch from New Deal Vodka.
Expect special appearances by Topher Sinkinson of makelike design (DJ Trick) and Kristan Kennedy of PICA (DJ Treat), and DJs New Moon Poncho, who will spin a night of hardcore haunted house classics. Stay the night with us! In the afterlife, head upstairs and spend the night with PICA. Special-priced rooms - starting at just $95 for party-goers - will help you to get friendly with the ghosts.
Psst... Admission includes a free drink token for the first 100 people!


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