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Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Thursday August 6th: ERHART/Sahlia Michelle

HOORAY!!!!!!! Blogger is working again!

Thank you all for your patience, I think we all accept that even modern technology can be very trying at times.

And now back to business! Oh, so much to blog about, so little time. Let's start with the delicious images from our most recent First Thursday opening. We proudly featured local designer darling Chelsea ERHART and her "Kids with Cans" exclusive, spray painted tees and sweatshirts, and the amazing jewelry of the lovely Miss Sahlia Michelle. In attendance was another superstar (and one of our very favorite ladies on the planet) Alisa Starr, who brought her typewriter with her and made CUSTOM SNARKY CARDS for the masses (which she'll be doing on Sept. 3rd as well--tell your friends!).
Fingers were a flyin' to create genius Custom Snarky Cards
ERHART Clothing: Fly Apparel Authority (after her famous relative of course)
Sahlia Michelle giving Gina's outfit the perfect accessory from her Fall line.
Sterling Silver and Antler Hoop Earrings by Sahlia Michelle
Party people... and even a gentleman rocking his brand new ERHART Tiger Spray Tee

Jen looking lovely, rocking a 'street style' spray tee,
and G in her Hubba Bubble Dress by ERHART
Miss Snarky Card, Alisa Starr tempting the gents below to find some, a-hem, inspiration...
CUSTOM SNARKY CARDS will happen again on First Thursday September 3rd!

Spray Tees and a sample of the Proper Raglan Dress from ERHART's fall line
super sassy skinny Lollipop Jeans by Second Clothing

Our newest local accessories designer Diana Pingul (yay!) and her beautiful cousin Tina.
Chelsea Erhart and Alisa Starr

C, G & C

And a wonderful reminder to us all: The mistakes are all lessons.

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