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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Technology Blues

you may have noticed that our webstore is... how shall I say?... "on the fritz"?

While I normally consider myself to be on the savvy side of technology...  I must declare defeat and talk to the experts again on Monday.  To assuage my blues (and prevent me from taking a hammer to the iMac) we're having a SALE instead!  Come on down and help us clear out some of these gorgeous, lonely, last pieces from fall/winter to make room for the awesomeness that is our spring inventory-- most pieces 50% off!!  

In the meantime, please feel free to call the store 503.928.6435 or email us info@radishunderground.com if you don't live in Portland and would like to place an order before I am able to teach this gosh darn new fangled webstore a lesson :)


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